Drawing by Zena Cardman

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Guabi Guabi

I've been listening to an African folk song called "Guabi Guabi" all day. The version I've been working is Ramblin' Jack Elliott's version, but the only full one I can find online is this video of Arlo Guthrie from a 1978 live show. It is good, but I recommend dropping a dollar somewhere online and buying the Ramblin' Jack version. Or go get the Essential Ramblin' Jack Elliott. Well worth it.

Guabi Guabi kuzwan le toum diome
Ize les gambi shooey entana
Guabi Guabi kuzwan le toum diome
Ize les gambi shooey entana

Ni izome tingy la ma bonza
Ize widgy le ba na na
Ni izome tingy la ma bonza
Ize widgy le ba na na

Arlo and his band playing Guabi Guabi

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