Drawing by Zena Cardman

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm Back

Hi everyone.

It looks like I'm back on the blogger. It has been a while, but I have to find something to amuse me while I'm on break from school. Because I've been absent since the Al Green concert, let me fill you in.

I quit writing on Without Music for a few reasons. The most important reason being that I go to one of those universities where one must do large amounts of work in order to do well, let alone not fail, even if they are pursuing a 'fake major' like English with 'fake minors' like Music Theory and Creative Writing. The second reason for my hiatus is linked to the first one - I'm in college. College provides the opportunity to do many marvelous things that just aren't there once you graduate. Parties, dates, free tickets to see your #1 ranked basketball team, photo scavenger hunts. All things I won't be participating in when I graduate and join the real world. So why spend loads of time telling you how the Avett Brothers concert I attended was a waste of time and money (it was)? Look for updates when I have time. I might even try to do some form of posting occasionally when school starts back in January. People might even read this, though it is doubtful. If no one does read this, I won't mind - I'll just assume they are going to parties, dates, basketball games, and scavenger hunts where you have to dress up as robots.

Feel free to say hello,


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